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Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 28 May 2016, 08:36
by pch1
Occams Razor wrote:
lee wrote:
Occams Razor wrote:Spot on Lee, of course the point could be made about the British walking into Ireland, India, Australia, America, Canada, South Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, most of the Caribbean and dozens of other countries all over the world completely uninvited and imposing our ways on them. But maybe that's beside the point.
Are you still voting in?
Trying to find facts is a minefield.

What is your opinion on the money we pay in versus what we get out of it.
I see a net figure of about £10m a week after subsidies and rebates.
Do we get any value add for that?

Be very interested to get your take on it.
Yes, I'm just on the staying in side, the cost of staying in is relatively chickenfeed compared to the turnover in trade. To me personally the buffer of European law, particularly employment law means a lot to the average Joe.
My biggest bugbear about Europe is the obfuscation of accounts which means that nobody knows exactly what the true situation is about payments in and out of Europe, I'd guess this is for exactly what we're seeing now, no clear picture and in and out parties can construct arguments using reliable sources and statistics to paint very different pictures.
One of my main reasons for In is trade with America, Obama is very pro Europe and would (as he's said) give us a hard time if we left, when another president is in with an opposing view this might swing my point of view.
I work in engineering on large projects; we do very little trade with USA, and every time we have conceded and bought something (eg safety shower heaters costing several hundred thousands), they've had to be scrapped because they weren't CE Marked and safety features non-existent.

I don't like trading with USA because their attitude is - if you don't like our stuff, then don't buy it.
In other words, if you want to buy an item but need it modified slightly for the UK/European can't Image

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 28 May 2016, 09:05
by Cabernet
Not saving I am swallowing it plumb, line and sinker, but certainly the selling off of our national grid for instance suddenly takes on a new relevance.

Sent wrestling with Tapatalk.

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 28 May 2016, 10:41
by Cabernet
cupidstunt wrote:
Cabernet wrote:The old fossil may not know what year it is, but he still makes for interesting listening. Make a brew and take a leak first, or in Cupidstunt's case, have your commode handy.
Just to let you know this old bastard is 66 on monday and wisdom comes with age in the school of life :D
No, Lord Owen is in his late 70's. He states this in the video. Probably around the time of your third pee.

Sent wrestling with Tapatalk.

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 28 May 2016, 17:51
by cupidstunt
Cabernet wrote:
cupidstunt wrote:
Cabernet wrote:The old fossil may not know what year it is, but he still makes for interesting listening. Make a brew and take a leak first, or in Cupidstunt's case, have your commode handy.
Just to let you know this old bastard is 66 on monday and wisdom comes with age in the school of life :D
No, Lord Owen is in his late 70's. He states this in the video. Probably around the time of your third pee.

Sent wrestling with Tapatalk.
If you are struggling with what to buy me for my birthday a nice ZZR 1400 would suffice thank you in advance :D

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 28 May 2016, 19:41
by Cabernet
Hold your breathe, I'm sorting it.

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 06:18
by Cabernet
Another reason for Leave, there could be a 10% import tax on BMW motorcycles.

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 10:51
by cupidstunt

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 13:19
by C-J
Restrictions being proposed on import of French wine... Could cost 30% more... Get your Sauvignon bought now

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 13:56
by cupidstunt
Also 500% import tax on moto guzzi parts !

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 15:13
by Cabernet
C-J wrote:Restrictions being proposed on import of French wine... Could cost 30% more... Get your Sauvignon bought now
Oh, you are still around then.